Simple horizontal card carrousel in TailwindCSS

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Antonio Ufano avatar

Antonio Ufano

If you're looking for a simple way to create horizontal cards with TailwindCSS, this article is for you. This is what I'm building today 👇:

So if you want something similar and are not sure how to build this horizontal carrousel similar to the one used by Netflix with TailwindCSS, just keep reading 😉

Basic structure of the carrousel

The carrousel will be a div with the following classes: flex flex-no-wrap overflow-x-scroll scrolling-touch items-start mb-8. Here is why:

  • flex: to display items with flexbox
  • flex-no-wrap: it will avoid items to be moved to a next row
  • overflow-x-scroll: will display the scrollbar if needed
  • scrolling-touch: to scroll in touch screen
  • items-start: to align items vertically to the top in case the item's heights are not equal

This carrousel will be the wrapper that contains all cards.

Classes for each card

Each item inside the carrousel will be a card and will have a container with the following classes: flex-none w-2/3 md:w-1/3 mr-8 md:pb-4 border rounded-lg. The important ones are:

  • flex-none: will allow us to define a specific width for each item
  • w-2/3 & md:2-1/3: will define the width of each card. We want a percentage that allows part of a card to be seen at the end.
  • mr-8: to have some margin between items.

Inside each card, I included an image on top (using classes from the TailwindCSS aspect ratio plugin), a title and a summary, so this can be used for blog posts but you can use them for videos or whatever piece of content.

You can find the a full working example in the following CodePen or in the code below.

Let me know if you find it useful by reaching me on Twitter!

See the Pen Horizontal card carrousel TailwindCSS by Antonio (@uF4No) on CodePen.

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