Hi 👋

I'm Antonio Ufano,



Articles and dev tips about building products with Node.js, Vue.js, Laravel and how to deploy them to a production environment.

Firestore pagination with Vuexfire


Vuexfire is great to bind a Firestore query to your state and keep it in sync but the moment you try to add the Firestore pagination methods like startAfter to your query, things start to fall apart. I explain you how to create a load more pagination using Vuexfire and a few custom mutations.

Vuexfire guide: simplify your Vue.js application state management


One of the most common problems to solve when building a Vue.js project is state management. While Vuex is great, you always end up writting a ton of actions, mutations and getters. If your application backend is Firebase, Vuexfire can save you a lot of time and quite a few lines of code.

Basic tips for your first Firebase project


I've started a new project that I want to launch in just a few days and I'm using Firebase, taking advantage of its free tier for hosting, cloud functions, authentication and data storage. Here are some tips that can be helpful for you