Hi 👋

I'm Antonio Ufano,

a full-s|

Articles about vuejs

Fix 404 errors with Vue.js apps on Netlify


If you've deploy a Vue.js app application to Netlify, chances are you've seen its 404 error page. This usually happens when you're app uses Vue Router in history mode. The fix is pretty simple and it just involves one line of code!

Firestore pagination with Vuexfire


Vuexfire is great to bind a Firestore query to your state and keep it in sync but the moment you try to add the Firestore pagination methods like startAfter to your query, things start to fall apart. I explain you how to create a load more pagination using Vuexfire and a few custom mutations.

Vuexfire guide: simplify your Vue.js application state management


One of the most common problems to solve when building a Vue.js project is state management. While Vuex is great, you always end up writting a ton of actions, mutations and getters. If your application backend is Firebase, Vuexfire can save you a lot of time and quite a few lines of code.

Public demo of my side project: theLIFEBOARD


We've been working in our side project called theLIFEBOARD for a few months, just doing little bits whenever we can and we just released a public demo that allows users to play around with the dashboard without signing up.

Create a serverless subscribe form with AWS Lambda


Serverless functions have some advantages over a full backend service that we might want to consider when creating small projects. In this article I explore them and create a subscription form using an AWS Lambda function and Gateway API.

Vue.js and REST API coding quick tips


Building your web application with an API and a separate front end is very common setup. This is a collection of quick tips to build your APIs and a front end using Vue.js.